for the most bestest week I've had in 2 years last week which included getting health/medical insurance, deciding to do some travelling and then finalizing the sale of Mom's home
for a nice visit with Mom on Sunday - her adjusted anti-depression meds are having a positive effect
that I seem to be happiest when I'm not trying to run the show
that I was able to bite the bullet and purchase a single ticket to the Yankees/Mets game (the Subway Series) on July 1st
for all the rain we had last week which brought the water tables back to normal
that I don't have a yard to mow since the grass will be going wild after all that rain

for free hats at Astros games >>>>>>>>>>>>
that Ricky!!! finds some neat websites with neat tricks
that BLUE had her special day on Saturday - stop by and congratulate her
Prayer is not asking for what you think you want, but asking to be changed in ways you can't imagine.
-Kathleen Norris
Nice Hat!
love the quote.....
and I'm SO glad I don't have to mow! They mowed my apts on Thursday and its already taller than it was before they cut it!
Great list dAAve. I love the hat too and I'm hAAppy you are going to the (can't say the word) vs. The Mets game.
I see you,
You sound superb! :) Those are great landmarks in your life.
will the trip to NY be the beginning of your traveling?
Cool cap
nice quote dave
Shannon -- yes
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