A good friend, Don, finally realized one of his life's dreams this week.
He's always wanted to have his own chocolate shop. Now he's open for business.
Don travelled to numerous countries to study the fine art of chocolate making. He worked in small shops in Europe and in Asia. He picked the brains of some of the world's finest makers of chocolate.
Don's shop is special. He doesn't import his product. He makes it at the store. You can watch as it's mixed and baked.
He also makes special blends of European ice creams. And I can tell you first-hand that it's scrumptious.
If you're in Houston, drop by.
He's at 810 Waugh Drive.Just south of Allen Parkway.
(713) 524-9864
Heaven - I'm in Heaven......OMG...looks sooooooo good.
I see you,
OMIGOD!!! I can't decide if you're an angel or the spawn of Satan for posting this . . . it's probably just a good thing this shop is in Houston, not Atlanta!
Best wishes for success to your friend in this new venture!!
I was there today and sampled pure chocolate, then had triple chocolate ice cream. How can stuff like that be so damned good?
Everyone should have their own chocolate shoppe!
My mouth is watering! Will he be doing a website?
I am always up for chocolate! Do you know if he does mail order?
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