Oddly enough, now that I'm back online after a 2-day absence, I can't think of anything to write about. I am not gonna beat myself up over it though.
Life is feeling pretty good right now. Hayden is still here after our trip to Costa Rica. He will return home next week. I must admit that it's really a challenge learning to live with another person. We have a very unconventional relationship to begin with and I want to compare it to what I see with other couples. When I do this, I am generally pretty unhappy. When I'm able to just go with the flow, things seem to work out much better. Does this sound something like Step 3?
This alcoholic (me!) has always preferred to live alone and I just have not developed the necessary living and social skills that seem to come naturally to many. I'm so lucky to have someone in my life who understands this and is incredibly patient with me. He is not only a good teacher but is also has great expertise at ...
I am so glad you are back again. And it was great to talk to you and Hayden yesterday.
Hi dAAve, the letter to Dr. Ruth cracked me up LOL
I have lived alone for most of my life, yeah it is tough to share with someone (even my Angel when she's here on the weekend!)
Cool. we are ALL a work in progress. I have a 'shopping list' as long as your arm of things I want that I am not very good at! The problem is not that we cannot do all these things, the problem is we are so judgmental and unforgiving toward ourselves for not getting these things right. The 'normal' 'well' thing is to have the sort of patience you see in the likes of hayden. We aren't 'built' like that, so instead we just have to keep reminding ourselves that we need to be kind and compassionate towards ourselves, every time we have a punishing or judgmental thought about our emotional 'wiring'. Ah well. Rome wasn't built in a day! Just got to keep doing the work, till it becomes a habit..
Yeah loved the letter. funny!
We don't just live n learn.
We learn to live (with others).
I love this post..you are right on too about comparing.Nothing good come out of it generally.We should all be grateful to what we have and work towards change if and when need be.I am happy you have Hayden in your heart and home Daave.Thanks for sharing and hope to see you around the blogsphere more again!
I wondered where you'd gone.
It is a challenge (for me anyway) living or sharing space with another. And when they've gone, I wish they'd come back...
Isn't that {what Kenny said} the truth? Sometimes we are such complex people! I am sooo glad you are back on line. First the loooooong vacaction, then the blackout...sheesh!
Welcome back, Dr. Ruth. Opps! dAAve.
I kind of like living by myself, being by myself, but then again I like snuggle therapy and I very well can't do that by myself.
It's good to see you back and posting such honest feelings. I have always loved to read your ESH. :)
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