Monday, December 03, 2007


todAAy i AAm grAAteful & thAAnkful

that I have constant growing pains

that I've learned to make a consistent effort to speak only for myself and not for others

that my Mom, weak as she is, has the inner strength to just keep on tickin'

that we may get to see Scott emerge today from his smart, Montrose-area studio, 4 days after his surgery

for a nice, quick Lambda Center Board meeting yesterday

for a very pleasant and peaceful weekend with no emergencies

The whole worth of a kind deed is in the love that inspires it.
-The Talmud


Pammie said...

I hope Scott emerges today, with a big ol' grin.
I try to speak just for myself, but there are so many "myselfs" inside me. ;)

Scott M. Frey said...

Scoooottttt.. come out come out wherever you are lol

mornin' dAAve!

Scott W said...

LOL @ Pam! She always has the answer.

We will see about my emergence. I got an email from the doctor asking that I remain low. But also with instructions to call her this morning.

Mary Christine said...

If Scott sees his shadow will we have another six weeks of winter?

Anonymous said...

It was good seeing you yesterday. Glad I could hear what you shared. Will see you tomorrow morning at 6:30 a.m.

Syd said...

I'm glad that your mother is still with you. Treasure that.

Shannon said...

shoot I just love your perspective happy effing Monday LMAO