Tuesday, January 15, 2008

still putting one foot in front of the other

follow the one you love.


todAAy i AAm grAAteful & thAAnkful

for Step 6 and the daily attention it needs

to know that I am a pickle and can never again be a gherkin

that I am not the only strange person on this planet; in fact, there may be a few person(s) stranger than moi

that I have had a part in expanding the scope of recovery at Lambda Center -- we allowed a CMA (crystal methamphetamine anonymous) meeting 2 years ago and only this week authorized another new CMA group to begin meeting

People may fail many times, but they become failures only when they begin to blame someone else.


Pammie said...

Well I don't know if I'm stranger than you...but I believe I probably tie.
Love the video!!
Thank God there is a place that will rent a meeting space to CMA they need all the help they can get from their fellow 12 steppers.

Mary Christine said...

Thank God for us strange folk.

Scott W said...

I need me a duck.

Anonymous said...

that video was so cute!

Bill said...

I heard the pickle/gherkin analogy for the first time last week, but the guy used "cucumber" instead of "gherkin."

And he's not even a size queen.

At least I don't think so.

YamadogGirl said...

I LOVE THE VIDEO! This one I'm gonna send to the girls they will love it too! Thanks Dave!

I always thought a gherkin was a type of pickle? so i looked it up and it's both a cucumber and a pickle - hee hee

Thanks for the read.


Anonymous said...

that is a cute video.

today is tuesday.

Syd said...

I don't wonder if I'm strange but sometimes I wonder what "normal" is.

Todd HellsKitchen said...

I enjoy being in the strange line with you.

Zanejabbers said...

Somedays I'm the duck, somedays I'm the dog. Reminds me of an AA meeting - people of all walks and waddles. Luv Ya.

Zanejabbers said...

CMA meeting #2. I am so proud of Lambda and to have been a working part of that change. Now that was trudging. Kudos to Board of 2008.