Tuesday, March 18, 2008

the next day

Lisa Lampanelli.
This picture was taken with my mobile phone camera last Friday night.

If you don't know her, and are not too offended by nasty language, click on her name.

todAAy i AAm grAAteful & thAAnkful

for a nice, peaceful and serene day yesterday; only 364 days until I am 55 years old -- Wow! How'd that happen?

for all the wonderful comments by you guys, my fellow bloggers

that I can sit and watch all the Paddy's Day party-goers going to and coming from the Irish pub that I still hold a financial interest in AND I have no desire to join them; in my past life, I led them

for so many tools and resources at my disposal, patience being one of them

for THIS bit of A.A. history -- in pictures

He who forgives ends the quarrel.
-African proverb


Shadow said...

tab says it's your birthday.... so HAPPY BIRTHDAY WISHES TO YOU!!!!

Mary Christine said...

I have just spent all of my allotted blogging time looking at your links!
Happy first day of your 55th year!

peanut said...

Happy Belated Birthday, dAAve !!

I love you "doublenickle"


My adventures said...

so, you were born on st. patrick's day? and you own part of an irish pub? i wouldn't have been thinking about joining them either, i'd be thinking ch-ching!!! is that what they mean by full circle??

Anonymous said...

Durn it! A day late agin'... :)

Happy Belly Button!!! May you have many, many, many more...

Banana Girl said...

Sorry I missed your big day yesterday but what the heck, it was just twenty four hours ago right. And we are all still sober. Happy Birthday and you are still younger than me, dammit. Guess you always will be. Resignation rather than resentment, that's my motto. Couldn't be happier for you! Love your comments AAlwAAys!


Zanejabbers said...

Glad this day after is not like the days after of yore.

Patricia Marie said...

Happy Birthday.

Syd said...

Time just flies by and before we know it we are heaving a sigh as another birthday is nigh. The alternative sucks though.

Bill said...

I'll bet you're still picking birthday candle wax out of your hair.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting the archive photos from your intergroup. I like the St. Patty's day jokes yesterday too.