Sunday, May 25, 2008

Sorry Officer

I dare you to try this.


Mary Christine said...

Yeah, I don't think I will try it. I think I shall just try going the speed limit!

Pammie said...

OK, I did once raise my shirt to a police officer, but that's a long story and I was really loaded at the time.

Bill said...

I actually got out of a speeding ticket long ago by cussing like a sailor. My cat was in my lap when the officer stopped me, so the kitty probably had more to do with the cop's mercy than my behavior did.

Skippy said...

I might as well try this-- I still get the ticket, no matter how pitifully I cry. Or I could try the cat thing Bill suggested. I usually have a cat handy in my car.

Scott W said...

Too bad Zsa Zsa wasn't there to slap the cop.