Wednesday, June 18, 2008


CLICK HERE to see some amazing before and after pictures of some male celebrities and the results of their plastic surgery.

todAAy i AAm grAAteful & thAAnkful

that I came to ...

for awakenings, ephiphanies and aha's

for patience I never used to have

that we are finished choosing bathroom tile combinations (again) after having 2 rooms totally demo'd for a re-do; the guys who did the original tile work were incompetent and we rejected their work. The builder fired them, and is going to eat the cost of new work. Another delay of the completion but we will not settle for shoddy work.

Life consists not in holding good cards, but in playing those you hold well.
-Josh Billings


Pammie said...

I like Burt better BEFORE.
Wouldn't it be a hoot to see our pictures Pre and Post Sobriety?
Well maybe HOOT is not the correct word. Maybe scary as hell would be more appropriate.

Scott W said...

Having to redo tile work happens all the time. Funny how contractors don't notice until it's too late. Well, not funny, but you know what I mean.

Bill said...

Those tile workers should enter a 12-step program.

Todd HellsKitchen said...

The house project sounds so exciting. I look fwd to your keeping us posted on the progress.... !

Zanejabbers said...

Hi. Been out of touch for two days. Good to see progress on the house.

My adventures said...

Other that Wayne Newton who has always looked like he's had surgery even at 16, they look horrible! And good for you for not putting up with shoddy tile work!

Recovery Road London said...

A night out on

Bill said...

I saw that damned picture of Burt Reynolds by accident again. It's too scary for me.

Syd said...

Burt Reynolds does look like a mummy or near death. I'd rather have the droopy eyes, etc.