Thursday, April 07, 2011


todAAy i AAm grAAteful & thAAnkful

that my friend Angela P. related part of her sober story yesterday. She's an amazing woman. At the age of 44, she has now been sober for 23 years.

that my acceptance level is at its highest point lately

that I'm really wanting to work on my involvement in the world of gossip. Such as, stop it!

Think about this one ........

"I've noticed that when I don't feel right, I'm just focusing on me."

When I am really honest, this is very true for me. The obvious solution is to help another alcoholic. Do I always do this? Hell, no. Sometime, it seems that I'd prefer to just wallow in my misery until it doesn't serve whatever dysfunctional purpose it's been serving. Then, and only then, do I change.

What's done is done.

- William Shakespeare


Pammie said...

Hi Dave!

Jess Mistress of Mischief said...

:) Very cool!

Syd said...

I like this today. I don't gossip which is good.

BILL said...

Ain't it the truth, I can sit in my dirty diaper wallowing under the P.L.O.M. tree, to serve some sick part of me, until the God of my understanding give me the nudge tohat gets me back to my senses, To get out of self