mid-50's Buick and a Super Constellation
todAAy i AAm grAAteful & thAAnkful
that it felt good to be back on a job that actually pays some $$$$; I got laid off in November 2002 and have not had a money-paying job since. I'm not making much and this gig won't last very long, but it's a start. I was apprehensive about my ability to multi-task, since I think that by the time I hit my alcoholic bottom (incomprehensible demoralization) in 2003, it seems like I can only focus on one thing at a time. However, my partner reminded me over the weekend that he watched me last year as I co-chaired the Houston Roundup, a 3-day convention for 300 people.
that I still attended my 2 regualar AA meetings yesterday and met with a sponsee
for the relief I get when practicing Step 3
"Life would be infinitely happier if we could only be born at the age of eighty and gradually approach eighteen."
~~ Mark Twain
Congrats on the good day at work!
Love the Mark Twain quote.
Good for you on the work. I know that you have a lot of talent and will do well at the job. best of luck!
Good luck with your job! Love that photograph.
Have a great day at the new job! Thinking about you today!
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