Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Hey! Not so fast!

todAAy i AAm grAAteful & thAAnkful

for the concept of Pause, when agitated.  This has saved me from many arguments and other trouble since I got sober.

that I didn't get to my bottom overnight and I won't get fixed overnight

that each and every one of us (in recovery) must work the steps at our own speed (IMHO), often determined by our sponsor.

"There is more to life than increasing its speed."
~ Gandhi


Mary Christine said...

I agree. I flew through the steps in my first few months and then did them again, repeatedly), but have known people who worked one step a year and stayed sober.

SoberMomWrites said...

Oh how that quote resonates with me! I am trying so hard to just shhhhhhh....and slow the hell down.

I love your posts.

Syd said...

Things have slowed for me in many ways. I'm grateful for that.