I was in my office in London.
Three days later, I travelled to Dakar, Senegal to work on a 2 month project. Senegal is primarily a Muslim country. Having been there many times, I was not worried about backlash. Instead, I witnessed respect and compassion for The United States and its values.
todAAy i AAm grAAteful & thAAnkful
that I may not have an awful lot of knowledge, but I do have a lot of experience and common sense
that my problems are high-class problems and most of those are only in my head
that although some character defects reared their ugly heads over the weekend, by talking them out and praying, I was able to get over them
that the USA has not experienced a terrorist attack inside our borders in 5 years
The important thing is to learn a lesson every time you lose.
-John McEnroe
NOTE: I posted this early because Hayden and I went out of town and I won't be around a computer. I felt it necessary to post something on this memorable day in history. If you don't like it, don't read it.
ooooops, too late!
uhm dAAve? you scraed the shit out of me. Why is your blog a day in advance?
Have I missed something? I about crapped my pants when I saw that your post said monday 9-11-06 I'm supposed 2 b at work mon... This is sun right? yup. ok good. Help me out plz. Nice post
idiot read the whole post first...LOL hagd
Have fun on your trip!
Thanks dAAve~
It's a hard day for me,the anniversary. However, this year I've got worries closer to home that I will post about .
Lets hear it for high class problems.
Thanks for a nice post Daave.
Dang...I miss you already.
I see you dAAve,
Thanks for sharing
A touching experience and thank you for sharing it with us (the compassion of others on this day 5 years ago).
Have a FUN trip!
what an amazing life you have lead. I love hearing you talk about where you were physically and emotionally right on daave thanks for the post
Hope you're having a great day...thanks for the post
Oh No! No Post from Daave! How will I start my day?!
We remembered over here, too.
dAAve? Oh, d-AA-AA-AAve?? Where the heck is that boy!? Yo, dAAve!!!!! Where are you??? It's morning, dammit, and I need my dAAve fix!!!
Omigosh... can't type... hands shaking... sweating... quick, archives... ohhhh, that's better.
Well, I guess it's official. My name is Pam and I'm a dAAve addict.
thanks for posting about nine eleven my friend... l iek it or not, it happened and it was awful... I didn't get too many readers when I posted about it... It's a tough thing to deal with still... at least for me it is...
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