Rodney standing on the
(Rockefeller Center observation deck)
todAAy i AAm grAAteful & thAAnkful
to be home (again)
for 2 very easy and safe flights; both times we were bumped up to an earlier flight because we were at the airport early enough
for the lovely people we met in NYC; people both in recovery and not (including, of course, Mr. H.K.) We must have walked at least 30 miles in Midtown, Hell's Kitchen, Chelsea and Greenwich Village.
for the 6 AA meetings that Rodney and I attended in NYC over the past 5 days; meetings are done a little differently in NYC than here
for Lambda Center, right here in H-town
for getting a little bit out of my comfort zone and going to 2 (count 'em) two Broadway shows; The Lion King and Momma Mia!
that Hayden is still here with me because he decided to remain an extra week
that he has embraced Lambda Center and has actually participated in some 12-step work although he is not an alcoholic
that I am getting closer to the day of stopping smoking; I am doing this very methodically and preparing myself psychologically so I can quit cold turkey and not look back
Dreams are but thoughts until their effects be tried.
-William Shakespeare
Welcome home.....I missed you much!
I see you,
I am so glad to see you back! Yay! I am also glad to see you are preparing to quit smoking. Cold Turkey is how I quit and I highly recommend it.
daave... you're giving up fags? good for you!!! oct. 19th is 2 years for me !! WHERE'S MY DAMNED CHIP !!! lol... good luck...
oh, and wasn't mamma mia FABULOUS !!! i've seen it in london, houston and nyc !!! can't wait for the Queen Musical to hit the u.s.!!!
Welcome back, dAAVe!!! I missed you SOOOOO much, but I'm glad you had a great time! It's so cool that Hayden's going to stay an extra week, too!
I quit smoking 23 years ago, and have smoked only a handful of cigarettes since then (maybe 15 all total??). MUCH easier to do that quitting drinking, for me anyway. You can do it!
Sounds like a fabuLOUS time. How was the Lion King? Any tears shed?
One craving at a time.
YAY DAAVE I AM happy you are back!!!!!
it all sounds good looking forward to pics maybe...? if not thats ok too
and you can do it with the non smoking...
it has been 2 1/2 yrs for me and its a struggle at time... but I just tell myself... I wont feel like this forever... and I dont
that helps me
Tranquility has landed. Welcome home. Saw both shows in LA. Loved Mama Mia.
Glad you're back! Love seeing the photos. You are radiant!
I missed you, dAAve. Glad you are back. Next time you to NY, you have to catch Rent. It's great.
Welcome bAAck.
You and your HP can tackle the smoke issue.
Thanks for being...
Missed you Mr Dave.
Glad I was sitting down when I read you had been to 2 shows - that is a first. Hope you enjoyed Lion King as much as I did. Where's my postcard??
Hope you actually quit the smoking I am sure it will be better for you and the cats.
I am so jealous!! I live a hop skip and a jump away and cannot get it together to see a show. Last I saw was BlueManGroup last year. We took Reid. Yay for your great trip!
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