a shot from a
Costa Rican road
(click on the pic to enlarge)
todAAy i AAm grAAteful & thAAnkful
that we read PHYSICIAN, HEAL THYSELF from the Big Book of A.A. yesterday
for an increasing clarity on my need to look after myself before gaining an ability to help someone else (I should be doing 90/90 @ Al-Anon)
that I've been asked to make a short presentation on Tradition Three on Saturday Night at an A.A. District meeting - "The only requirement for A.A. membership is a desire to stop drinking."
that, in recovery, we can all help other people without even trying. Even our absence in a meeting can be a good example of non-recovery, although it may not do much for our own program.
for a new sponsee who really seems to want to change his life
for a continuing influx of newcomers at Lambda
for early morning breakfast with Hayden (he's not a morning type of guy), his support of me in attending the noon A.A. meeting, an afternoon at The Galleria (I had not been in years), then a relaxing dinner and early night to bed
that tomorrow is HNT -- see ya there!
"Do not search for happiness.
Search for right living and happiness will be your reward."
We're always an example. Our choice is to be which kind. Bad, or Good, hmmmmm.... which is it to be?
"Do not search for happiness.
Search for right living and happiness will be your reward."
Thank for sharing the quote.
It's already HNT here. See you there.
Don't you love having choices today?
I think you are a good example of how AA works, you are quick to point out what doesn't work for you, I need to hear that part too sometimes!
I've sailed down the Nile, too!
As always grateful for your gratefuls.
I always find something on yours or Scotts blog that makes my day easier or opens my eyes. At 15 it is refreshing to be reminded by you younguns that I can become so snug in my own so-called sobriety that I forget the big picture,that my friend is why newcomers and those coming behind us are so important for our program.
Also, I did not know until I read todays blog that Hayden was here.
I hope I get to see him before he leaves.
.....and a child shall lead...
Damn daave your a regular Jacques Cousteau. awesome
Been catching up on your trip, Dave. :-)
"The only requirement for A.A. membership is a desire to stop drinking." - JJ and I were talking about this on the phone.
Thanks once again for your support, Dave.
Right living... good stuff!
That just sounds like the most fun trip!!! Can't wait to see more pics!! What an adventurer you are!!!
Dammit!!! I want Daave and I want him NOW!
Have a great weekend, dAAve!
hey, you're behind in your posting! Get out of bed, dang it!
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