one of my cats helping me to pack my little clothing storage device for an upcoming trip

todAAy i AAm grAAteful & thAAnkful
that I got to hear an AA story of one of my favorite recovery friends yesterday -- he speaks with wisdom, honesty, sincerity and loves to laugh at himself
that I am loyal friend and employee and always have been
that as I try to fashion my life according to the principles behind AA's Twelve Steps, there is a possibility of becoming a better human being in my relationshipis with other human beings
that we've had 16 persons at the 6:30am Eyes Wide Shut AA meeting the past 2 days -- we average about 10 each morning
that I have never been one to try to be perfect, except during waking hours
for my health, wealth and a plane ticket
There are three kinds of men: The ones that learn by reading. The few who learn by observation. The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence and find out for themselves.
~ unknown
Yep, I'm right there, peeing on the fence...
Kitty is going to miss you...
I love the excitement of packing. I'm kind of obsessive though. Check re-check....I'm always so afraid of not having enough hair products.
our late dog, sterling's mom, used to take her doggie treats and put them in the suitcases on the floor whenever we were going anywhere, i guess that was her way of packing... it was adorable... i'll never forget the first time i found 4 or 5 dog treats in my suitcase when i got somewhere... i still miss her, but i have her offspring, and he's still trying to scam food, remember christmas on the stairs.... lol...
I love packing too.
One of my cats ALWAYS goes into any carrying device...Knapsacks, plastic bags and suitcases, do you think they're trying to tell us something?
Loved the'peeing on the fence' analogy, not that I could realate or anything!!!
When are you leaving? Have a great trip :)
Happy packing with your assistant and great trip. Bye, bye assistant.
Lol, my cats are the same way!
jack the black lab just watches me while i'm packing. he hangs his head low until i tell him he can go and then he's all smiles and barks. he hates it when i leave, but he loves it when i return.
Would like a couple more cats?
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