todAAy i AAm grAAteful & thAAnkful
for a reminder about the importance of waiting that extra 5 minutes -- don't wanna miss the miracle!
that today, with guidance from my HP, I'll be the best I can be (I asked for that guidance shortly after I woke up)
for peaceful days in the midst of chaos -- my life 5 years ago was more like chaotic days in the midst of peace LOL
"I am a big believer in the ‘mirror test’. All that matters is if you can look in the mirror and honestly tell the person you see there, that you’ve done your best."
-- John McKay
"Blessed are the flexible, for they shall not be bent out of shape."
-- Dr. Michael McGriffy
"I endeavor to be wise when I cannot be merry, easy when I cannot be glad, content when I cannot be mended and patient when there be no redress."
-- Elizabeth Montagu
"When we have done our best, we should wait the result in peace."
-- J. Lubbock
I love love love that J. Lubbock quote. I need to hold on to that one!
PS: you blog banner is kinda gay.
I was listening to Deepak Chopra who said to focus on the moment when first waking. He gives some good suggestions on how not to think about the entire day but just what's happening to stay present in the moment.
Happy Tuesday and good stuff daave
I like the Elizaabeth Montagu one.
I like the little fishie with the big fin.
It's hard to turn over the results.
Dear dAAve,
what a scary photo on the "looking back" entry ! Wow.
just checking in tonight. you have changed a lot in 5 years !
Love you
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