Friday, July 13, 2012


todAAy i AAm grAAteful & thAAnkful

the way my days just sort of fill up without me having to make many plans

that I'm working with a guy who's been around a while, but has a new sobriety date; we had our first meeting together yesterday.  Whew!

that I'm going to my 3 regular AA meetings today, just like every Friday

Be prepared.
- motto of the scouting movement
- created by Robert Baden-Powell, the founder of Scouting.


Mary Christine said...

Sometimes I find "retreads" difficult to work with. I hope that is not the case with your guy.

Have a great Friday Dave. Wish I could go to all those meetings with you.

Syd said...

Catching up with you, Dave. Whew, life has been busy with me.