I was fortunate to get to meet some fellow recovering bloggers last night.
left to right:
Anonymous Biker...a.k.a. Mike
Sobriety is Exhausting...a.k.a. Pam
Attitude of Gratitude...a.k.a. Scott W
yours truly (and sincerely)
todAAy i AAm grAAteful & thAAnkful
that Scott and I got to attend an AA meeting with Pam, her daughter and Mike and then go for a coffee at Starbucks and be joined by Matt
that if I am working my recovery program the way I want to, my recognition of powerlessness will always be a reminder of my past and a reasonable guess at my future
that I am really really trying to practice what I teach
that having a level playing field is all in my mind - it's all about attitude
that Hayden treats me better than I treat myself
that my friends treat me better than I treat myself - wassup with that?
that tomorrow is hAAlf nAAked thursdAAy - join us!
Most people want to be delivered from temptation but would like it to keep in touch.
-Robert Orben
The pleasure was all mine. Scott put it well. What a rush.
Thanks again for being real.
What a great evening to get to meet you Daave....and the "guys".
This is an awesome fellowship!
Wow. That just warmed my heart! It is great to see you all together. I hope to be there some day soon too!
Early in my program I was given the opportunity to attend the international in Denver. That was when I could see that I would have friends all around the world.
As bloggers we get to share more often with each other and then find opportunities to meet in person. We have so many friends that we have not met yet. That makes life great.
I can't believe I missed your call last night or the meeting of the minds at the coffee place!!!! I was in a stoopid (ok, it really wasn't) meeting! how wonderful that you all got together and thank you for thinking of me and calling! Sounds like a terrific evening!!!
lol..I think we are all really really trying to practice what we preach Daave...its the sharing that keeps us motivated !
Thanks for all you share :)
That picture gave me goosebumps!
I love that you guys could meet:)
This has really touched me, dAAve, to see all of you together.
And this also touched me...
"that Hayden treats me better than I treat myself
that my friends treat me better than I treat myself - wassup with that?"
You are an honest guy and I appreciate that. I can also relate to it. Thanks for the post.
thats it I am coming out to Houston!
How amazing and wonderful that God chose to use you, Mike, Scott and Matt to bring laughter, comfort and Joy to Pam and L. Your willingness to show up and be a part of this "bigger picture" in life is awesome.
Life is sooo beautiful. You're right dAAve in saying, that if I am working my recovery program the way I want to, my recognition of powerlessness will always be a reminder of my past and a reasonable guess at my future.
you guys rock.. it sounds like fun to hang out. Houston is on my list..
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