... and it is vastly more than that. It is a fellowship in Alcoholics Anonymous.
Scott W. snapped this picture of me as I was pigging out on a giant hotdog at Barnaby's yesterday. Mary Christine is also seen here, snapping a photo as well.
Zane and Pam were looking on with glee, amazement and jealousy.
todAAy i AAm grAAteful & thAAnkful
that Pam, Zane, Scott and I had the initimable pleasure to meet and greet Mary Christine, who is here on a short trip from Colorado. We had coffee together, then ate dinner together, then attended a Sunday night AA meeting together. We're all alcoholics and none of us got drunk.
for this SERENITY ZONE I have experienced the past 2 weeks; quite possibly the finest time of my sobriety. It's different than the pink cloud I was on for my first 3 years. I have actually felt spiritual and emotional changes happening within myself. It seems like my HP has put me under construction to see what I can become before Hayden and I resume our lives together. We both know that some type of psychic change needs to occur to make that relationship successful and happy (for me).
for my new bike
for AA meeting chaired by humans with lots of experience at staying sober who also enjoy tackling tough subjects on a group level
Kindness has converted more sinners than zeal, eloquence, or learning.
-Frederick W. Faber