Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Easy Does It

A friend sent me this suggestion ...

There's about 40 million people over 50 in the work force.
Pay them $1 million apiece severance with stipulations.
They leave their jobs. Forty million job openings -- Unemployment fixed.
They buy NEW American cars. Forty million cars ordered -- Auto Industry fixed. They either buy a house or pay off their mortgage -- Housing Crisis fixed.

todAAy i AAm grAAteful & thAAnkful

for a meeting about EASY DOES IT

for reminders of my faulty thinking -- basically, I am wired differently than most people and I accept this

that I have been relieved of solving the world's problems and I no longer am responsible for everything that goes wrong. WHEW!!

for the sitcoms when I was a kid -- they espoused family values and always had a positive message and moral


HERE'S some great photos of the history of AA.

Inches make champions.
-Vince Lombardi


Mary Christine said...

Love the pics.

Pammie said...

Good morning Dave. Please sign me up for the million. K?

Anonymous said...

i like your suggestion for the economy! ☺ have a great day, dave.

Scott W said...

I am so glad we don't have to wear a shirt, tie and jacket to an AA meeting anymore.

Syd said...

Great stuff on the history of AA. I also can accept my faulty thinking most days.

Bill said...

There's a group here that requires its members to wear suits/ties (men) and dresses or skirts (women). I've never attended that meeting. Maybe I'll wear a skirt and go, and just say I got the dress code mixed up.

Wouldn't it be nice if our problems could be solved in thirty minutes, and we got a bonus moral lesson as well?

Trailboss said...

You know, I really think that that part about the over 50 folks makes sense. I'm not just saying that because it would be such a wonferful think but would really work. Jobs would open, we could all buy American cars, heck, I would even buy all of my kids a new car. I could help them with their mortgages....oh! and Joe would get $1 million too. Whoo hoo! I could finally retire. Funny too because I was seriously thinking today about starting to plan for disability retirement (if you can call it that!) for myself. I vote yes. Where do we cast our ballot?

Trailboss said...

Hey Bill. If you do wear the skirt to the AA meeting please take pictures ..... outside of course.

Daily said...

very cool archives, thanks for linking.