Friday, April 17, 2009

the famous "cat plant"

todAAy i AAm grAAteful & thAAnkful

that the first page and a half of A Vision For You was written for me. (see Chapter 11, page 151, ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS)

that working with another alcoholic works for both of us -- a sponsee and I re-read Step 6 yesterday and discussed in in length. Great stuff!

that talking about my problems with another human has a tendency to greatly reduce the enormity of those problems

for caffeinated coffee

Adversity is another way to measure the greatness of individuals. I never had a crisis that didn't make me stronger.
-Lou Holtz


Lou said...

I love cats.

Scott W said...

I think you are on a cat roll.

Bill said...

I think there's a restaurant in town that was shut down for serving cat rolls.

Working with another alcoholic is joyful work.

Pammie said...

I love love love step 6 in the 12x12. It is so full of good stuff to ponder and have ah-has about.

Syd said...

I don't think that plant needs to be watered. The cat probably does that anyway.

Mary Christine said...

Hi Dave.

steveroni said...

I never had a crisis that I LIKED!

Steps six and seven, lowered the crisis ratio in my life somewhat... somewhat.

Tabitha.Montgomery said...

Humans have a healthy way of validating one anothers thoughts when we open up to people we trust.

Queenneenee said...

I just love that plant. I am grateful for coffee as well. What would we recovering peeps do without caffeine??

Anonymous said...

that's a purty cat. that's a purty plant.

Alive And Smiling (Jim) said...

Dave that's a great photo. I've not gotten to step six yet but I can see where talking problems with another human can reduce the enormity of those problems.