Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Coasting through the week ...


todAAy i AAm grAAteful & thAAnkful

that I am not one of the multitude of friends and acquaintances who have relapsed recently; it's an epidemic!

for a meeting topic of favorite AA words and slogans and what they mean to us

that my pride and ego is often tested with mixed results

that I rarely buy into the rhetoric - of anything

that I have time to run errands at my own pace

that a friend and I are presenting a workshop on Steps 8 & 9 next week at our Houston Roundup CLICK HERE for details

that tomorrow is hAAlf nAAked thursdAAy and YOU are invited to participate!

The more I think about it, the more I realize there is nothing more artistic than to love others.
-Vincent Van Gogh


Redhead Gal said...

Good morning, dAAve.

I am nearing my three month mark and I'm very wary of the potential for relapse as I have seemed to do so at this point several times before. But it's not mandatory to relapse and I am
not going to do it this time.

JJ said...

I am grateful you are not one of the alcoholics that relapsed recently.
It too seems to be an epidemic around here.
Much love to you bro,

Mary Christine said...

This is a bad time of the year for alkies. But Daave, and so many others of us, are living proof that relapses are not mandatory.

Trudging said...

I love your letters to God. Sam writes letters to God.

My adventures said...

hi dave,

is there an actual schedule of what's going on and when? if so, give one to my husband since he can't seem to locate one for me... there's a few things i'd like to go to but i would like to see a schedule, and we have friends coming in from miami for this and i bet they'd like one too... thanks... any help would be appreciated... thanks

Just a man trying to get by said...

Good morning Dave! Thanks for the post, I have seen some of my friends relapsing recently too, I can only pray for them.

I am nearing 90 days myself! And no, I do not have to ever pick up a drink again!


Recovery Road London said...

I've seen the domino effect of relapse across one, two, three meetings before. It's like watching a road crash in slow motion. Horrible.

It's a 'relapse' and not a 'slip', or a 'little drink'. Relapses kill.

...there but the grace of God....

Shannon said...

we had that in home group a while ago... scary
and I am so glad tomorrow is HNT YAY I have a good pic!

Shannon said...

PS I love that note to GOD.. :)

Anonymous said...

It is a hard time with the Holidays and all. At this time there are not many birthday celebrations over on this side.

Carly said...

Thanks for the post. I love these letters to God!

Unknown said...

Its that time of year. One of my old sponsees picked up yesterday after 4 years.

But for the grace of God. Keeps things real green.

Have a great rest of your Wednesday and I will see you tom. at HNT!!! YAY!

dAAve said...

I'm sorry, but using the holidays as an excuse to drink is nothing more than using the holidays as an excuse to drink.

Shannon said...

I agree daave... and I had heard you had the same storm today... weird.. dudu dudu dudu