I am studying Step 11 with two friends in recovery. I read this passage this morning ...
If I do my self-examination first, then surely, I'll have enough humility to pray and meditate -- because I'll see and feel my need for them. Some wish to begin and end with prayer, leaving the self-examination and meditation to take place in between, whereas others start with meditation, listening for advice from God about their still hidden or unacknowledged defects. Still others engage in written and verbal work on their defects, ending with a prayer of praise and thanksgiving. These three-- self-examination, meditation and prayer -- form a circle, without a beginning or an end. No matter where, or how, I start, I eventually arrive at my destination: a better life.

todAAy i AAm grAAteful & thAAnkful
for good news from my Mom -- her diabetes is well under control lately
that Mom and I can have a good laugh together, even under less than desireable circumstances
for a really good Step 1 meeting yesterday and another good meeting about change and that today I get to go to 3 meetings
to be able to chat with friends in recovery at 4 o'clock in the morning (on the computer)
to own a car that has 104 total miles on it as I sit here and type
that I am most likely going to have a wonderful weekend - I hope you do too!
that the 2006 elections will be over in a few days
my name is dAAve and I approved this message.
The fragrance always stays in the hand that gives the rose.
-Hadia Bejar
I like that passage. I needed to read that this morning.
Have a good day...
hAAppy FridAAy dAAve. I am always grateful to come here and read your gratefuls. Congratulations on the new car...I must of missed something. But then again I've missed a lot.
Still seeing you,
And your car has never been smoked in! And it never will be!
"form a circle, without a beginning or an end" that is a powerful thing to remember. Thanks dAAve. Make it a great day!
Step 11 is just where I am today! Thanks buddy
Nice list. Thanks Dave, and congrats on the new wheels!
I need to re-read your Step 11 stuff and thjink about it again cos it's not how I think of it. Which is good - good to be challenged.
congrats on the 104 miles... very kool.. I love the stuff in Step 11... I'm really glad to hear that mom mom is doing well with her diabetes.... wonderful!
I heard about Scott and your car.. hmmmm interesting ahahaha
I listened to your post and I am sooo here too. Thanks daave
Amen to those elections for the love of God.
And CONGRATS on the NEW CAR!!! I heard that Scott got to hump it. That. I would pay to see :)
Daave you are truly a man of service. That is awesome.
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