thta I can remain out of the argument over what materials are proper to use in an AA meeting because I know what's right, but choose to remain happy
for my morning prayer that reconnects me each day with my Higher Power (3 years ago, if you had told me I would be saying this, I would have told you to go to hell)
that I have made the necessary preparations to participate in Houston Roundup 2006
that I am one lucky SOB to still be HIV negative
that I sucked up and actually attended a homeowner's association meeting (I have been boycotting them for months)
that I must be the only person who actually likes Christmas music -- I am soooo unique (apparently)
that Steph at soberInsanity is approaching her One Year Clean & Sober Anniversary
Climb up on some hill at sunrise. Everybody needs perspective once in a while, and you'll find it there.
-Robb Sagendorph
I actually like Christmas music too. That makes two of us!
I like Christmas music too, for the first two weeks of December.
I'm really glad you are HIV negative, dAAve.
Ya know, you said exactly what I needed this morning.thanks
"Joy to the World" (sang loudly, swaying back and forth)
If I only heard Christmas music here and there a couple weeks before the actual holiday that wouldn't be so bad. Hearing it for 6 weeks prior makes me frustrated. I like the stuff that reminds me of my childhood, but the new stuff is hooey.
I love Christmas songs!
What is Christmas????
hooey? que es hooey?
I like Christmas songs , too... ON CHRISTMAS!
Meanwhile, congrats on your Solidarity Award!
I would I hit you first and then said F*#k off.
I really admire that you choose to be happy instead of argue! I really like Christmas music, but the old kind, like Bing Crosby... :) Oh and the chipmunks make me smile :)
hooey is a more polite form of crap
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