Monday, April 12, 2010

Auto buying run riot

My latest acquisiton. The fleet grows.
It's a 1978 Corvette Silver Anniversary edition with 37,250 original miles.

todAAy i AAm grAAteful & thAAnkful

that today, I know that most of my troubles are of my own making

that I got to hear a well-told AA story on Saturday

that my life in recovery seems to be following the lines of diminishing addictions (as far as life-threatening)

that sometimes doing the next right thing can take the guesswork out of life

The shoe that fits one person pinches another; there is no recipe for living that suits all cases.
- Carl Jung


Garykfc said...

I saw a car just like that where I go to AA.

Jess Mistress of Mischief said...

What a beauty!

Mary Christine said...

Wow. That's only 1164 miles per year!

Unknown said...

What a jewel!


Syd said...

Awesome car! Do you have a huge garage for these great cars? What a great hobby!

Pam Jarnagin said...

Wowza! It's gorgeous and looks pristine! Loving the white leather interior. You go, dAAve!

Julianne said...

Diminishing addictions? many cars do you have now????? I'm just sayin'. ;-)

Todd HellsKitchen said...

You are out of control with your car addiction!!! LOL

Bill said...

Dave, you can't have everything.
Where would you put it?