Friday, November 07, 2008

Friday morning laugh

The title of this video might be ...
"Don't raise your baby with a parrot in the house"

todAAy i AAm grAAteful & thAAnkful

for Tradition 3 -- AA can't lower its standards much more than that

that I got to Trinidad in one piece

You have two hands. One to help yourself, the second to help others.


Recovery Road London said...

I'd rather have a parrot than a baby. Have you tried making a featgher duster out of a baby? They don't like it, you know.

Mary Christine said...

I'm glad you made it safe and sound.

Scott W said...

When you place your hand on another's shoulder, God is using you as a conduit for grace.

Funny bird!

Lou said...

I'm surprised you have the internet..maybe my mental picture of Trinidad is way off.

J-Online said...

Glad you made it there safely and are able to blog! Keep us updated if you can!

Bill said...

Don't parrots live forever?
Imagine having a squalling baby in your home for years & years & years.

steveroni said...

I like the 'two hands' thing.

Also I have two feet--guess I'd better keep at least ONE of them on the ground?

Shannon said...

LOL at that Parrot, took me a minute to realize it was the parrot crying, I was waiting for it to tell the baby to shup up or something ahhahahaha

Glad you are there in one piece!
and thanks for just sayin, its a good suggestion. right now I do only do 2 meetings Monday and 1 Fri and 1 Sat and sometimes Monday... but everyday has crossed my mind latley... gotta work out the schedule with the fam... ☺

Syd said...

Glad that you made it to Trinidad. I was just writing a report about green mussels that likely came to the US via a ship from Trinidad. Don't bring back any alien hitchhikers with you.

Anonymous said...

I was an alcoholic for 14 years and i was powerless over alcohol and my lives had became unmanageable.I was not accepting that i am addicted of alcohol.I lost my left eye in an accident when i was drunk driving.At last my father(he is a hero to me)joined me in AA then i understood the program and now i am sober.There is a power greater than ourselves.visit my blog :