Tuesday, April 14, 2009

italics & parentheses

todAAy i AAM grAAteful & thAAnkful

for Step 6 and the awareness it gives me (when I think about it)

for so many opportunities to help others (almost always in little ways, but it's enough to make a difference to them and me)

that I enjoy doing the things that are necessary for me to take care of myself (except eating the proper diet)

Scott W emailed this video clip from Britain's Got Talent (the UK version of American Idol). It's 7 minutes long but well worth watching.

Many of our fears are tissue-paper-thin, and a single courageous step would carry us clear through them.
-Brendan Francis


steveroni said...

dAAve, each morning I anticipate your gratitude list, and use it as my own. I don't have to write one.

So, ya gotta keep it up, there's peeps dependng on you. Pressure? Naw, not in your case.

big Jenn said...

Thank you so much for that clip!!! What a great way to start my day!!! Thanks again. jeNN

Anonymous said...

that clip was awesome - i saw it yesterday... have a good day, daave.

Syd said...

Are they having a family spat in the photo or is it date "rape"? Calm down, kitties.

Scott W said...

So much Melba toast, so little time!

Mary Christine said...

Morning Dave.

Scott M. Frey said...

hey, thanks for stopping by and leaving kind words, youre a good friend :-)

Pammie said...

I love step 6 in the 12x12. It's so full of good thought provoking stuff.

Bill said...

I love that clip...I got it from Scott, too. I've watched it several times.

Steps 6 & 7...powerful stuff.

steveroni said...

Had a very bust day--only now had time to watch the vid. WOW! What an inspiration. Such a lesson in humility, trust, confidence, and yes, serenity...for me, and I'm sure for whoever sees this.

Thank you dAAve, for troubling to post it!