I think ALL bad drivers should have their license revoked. Legally. By the court system. Who will be responsible for determining who is a bad driver? ME!! Of course.
If I single you out as a bad driver, you must go to court and a judge will immediately revoke your driving privilege (it is a privilege, you know, not a right). The judge already knows that if I send you t

This idea has some wonderful repercussions.
There will be millions of fewer cars on the road. Gasoline demand will be greatly reduced as well as harmful emissions from vehicles. All of the new road and bridge construction can be cancelled. Won't need all that now. In fact, I may be the only driver left on the road when this is all said and done.
Of course, there may be a few jobs lost in car and truck manufacturing. Suppliers may have to cut jobs and the trucking and shipping companies will have to cut back. A few construction jobs may be lost, but for the overall good cause (of course). I can overlook these little negative points on the economy because my serenity level shall remain high.
And I won't be shooting the finger at you again.
You got a point there, dAAve. I'm with you 101%.
I will try not to drive near you, OK?
who are you kidding? you'd still be shooting the finger!!! LOL
I agree dAAve. If everyone drove like me, we would have world peace...
Keep coming back.
Just where will that finger be?
Always enjoy your post. One of these days I'll become a blogger
excellent post dave!!! and, not exactly a bad idea. if you venture out to all other states, i'd like to be your deputy for NC and SC.
i discrimate against female drivers even tho i am female.
i credit my mad driving skilz from working and driving in texas. if you can make it there, you can make it anywhere.
What other drivers? I am the only one on the road..
Here in NYC....I wish I could stand on the street corner and shoot the finger like a magic wand and every recipient loses his license and car...
A magic finger...
I do believe you have should found the solution to global warming too! dAAve for President!!!!
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