The Wall of dAAve
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todAAy i AAm grAAteful & thAAnkful
for Hope and Faith and the knowledge that they are real
that Step 3 and all its implications are the primary ingredient to my peace and serenity for the coming year. I now know this, so I can give it special attention. Without this awareness, I might just continue through my days rudderless.
"Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over
to the care of God as we understood Him."
that my daily life can calm down again for a few months
Courage is the art of being the only one who knows you're scared to death.
-Earl Wilson
The Wall of dAAve! I love it! (Good name for a rock band...)
great pics dave...have a great Thursday darlin'
The Wall of Dave is formidable, but I don't see it on HNT.
I love the 1970's one of you with the long hair.
That was the 70's wasn't it?
You have a wall of dAAve....awesome! I've got a wall...does that count?
took it off for you baby...the song that is.
Ditto Trudging. Is that really you with the long hair. Wow!
Greeting from Malaysia.
Where is HNT???? Do we need to create a new one?
Can;t be Wall of Dave without moi...
Just another dAAve in the Wall
"for real" you got that right!
A wall it is daave. Its so you..where the holy water?
loving those precious photos of you dave :)
That's a cute wall!
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