Monday, January 22, 2007

Keeping it simple

i AAm grAAteful & thAAnkful

to be sober today

HERE'S vetver, another new recovery blogger, drop in and say howdy!


................................. this space left intentionally blank .......................................


This Too Shall Pass.


Shannon said...

yes, yes it will... so I hope whatever needs to pass, passes quickly. Have a great day daave

Mary Christine said...

What's up with the blank space?

Pammie said...

Keeping it simple is going to be my motto today Mr. Dave....and I know this too shall pass......but my HP is a very old, very slow guy. I'm so glad to be upright again....and grateful as all get out to feel human.

JJ said...

Yup it will pass.

Recovery Road London said...

"This too shall pass" shall pass too.

I hope you're okay today, dAAve. Thinking of you, matey.



Anonymous said...

pass it will.....there passed.

Just a man trying to get by said...

Thanks Dave, simple and effective.

Anonymous said...

I am grateful that you are sober today too Tab xo

Scott M. Frey said...

that's pretty damn simple, my friend!

Meg Moran said...

a hug for you.....

lash505 said...

it already passed