the sidewalk art of
todAAy i AAm grAAteful & thAAnkful
for a really good meeting yesterday morning about emotional hangovers
that Hayden's 3-week visit has provided me with a whole new list of character defects to hand over to my HP
for the good feelings I get when I actually Do The Next Right Thing
that we had the chance to drop by and visit my Mom unexpectedly
Envy someone and it pulls you down.
Admire them and it builds you up.
Which makes more sense?
wow...the art work is incredible! Have a good tuesday Dave!
Well, you know they say that being in a relationship is like pouring Miracle-Gro on your character defects. I am sure you will get through it and grow -in the good way.
Who knew Elvis had so much wisdom.
Emotional hangovers...weren't we just talking about emotions?
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