Wednesday, September 17, 2008

go west, post-middle-age man

todAAy i AAm grAAteful & thAAnkful

for the opportunity to go to a convention of gay and sober alcoholics in Palm Springs, California

that this is my first time ever to travel to the west coast of the USA

that I am taking my computer with me


"You can't brag that you're humble... and be humble."
-- Terry McEwen

"A great man is always willing to be little."
-- Ralph Waldo Emerson

"Blessed is the man who, having nothing to say, abstains from giving us wordy evidence of the fact."
-- George Eliot

"Humility is a virtue; timidity is a disease."
-- Jim Rohn


Princess Powerless said...

I'm so jello about your trip! I want to go to a roundup!

Have fun and stay out of trouble, dAAve.

Hugs - PP

Mary Christine said...

Holy cow! You have been all over the world, but never to the west coast? It seems to me a few years ago you went to NYC for the first time too...

Have a wonderful time, and I will look forward to reading about it.

Scott W said...

Now that's a vintage car for me!

Travel safe, have fun and don't drink!

Syd said...

Have a great time. Enjoy the left coast.

Anonymous said...

Hope you have a great time, I am sure you will. The humility quotes remind me of a line in a lead tape I heard yesterday by Liz B. She said when you are wrong admit it, when you are right, shut-up.

Tabitha.Montgomery said...

I can't believe you've never been to the West Coast..then again..I've never been to the East.
lol...I'm sure you will have a fab time at the round up and the beach:)

Tabitha.Montgomery said...

I can't believe you've never been to the West Coast..then again..I've never been to the East.
lol...I'm sure you will have a fab time at the round up and the beach:)

My adventures said...

You'll love Palm Springs, I used to weekend there when I lived in SF. It's soooooo gay!! Have fun!

Bill said...

Is that a Buick?