Sunday, September 21, 2008

Hot n Dry 2008

Scott W asked for a little update on the Hot n Dry (click for info) event that I am attending this weekend. It began last Thursday and closes today at noon.

First of all, it is damn hot in the Southern California desert. I really don't care if it is a dry heat, it's friggin' hot!

There are about 890 registrants for this years' event. All males. Most (it seems) in incredible physical shape except for a few of us guys who don't spend many hours every week in the gym. Except for a couple of workshops each day, most of the events are held outdoors in the sun. They take over the Palm Springs Hilton for a week and it is exclusively used for this event. No outsiders are allowed in.

It is good recovery and the theme is WE INSIST ON ENJOYING LIFE. So there are 890 guys having a good time. On Friday, we had 3 exclusive hours at the local waterpark. Just us guys in recovery and closed to the public.

Yesterday, I watched as 2 gay couples in recovery were legally married. They were married by a local councilman. Amazing.

Then, last night we were entertained by Chelsea Handler. She was quite funny and really seemed to enjoy her audience.


Kathy Lynne said...

I'm with you on the dry heat thing. Went to New Mexico awhile's HOT.

Scott W said...

Thanks Daffyd! I love Cheslea, she has the most deliciously warped sense of humor.

My adventures said...

I would have gone out there just to see Chelsea, she's a gas!

Mary Christine said...

Glad you are having a gay time.

Todd HellsKitchen said...

Sounds hot. (Both lit. and fig.)

Meanwhile, has anyone heard from Zane since Ike?

Todd HellsKitchen said...

Oh, and get home safe!

Todd HellsKitchen said...

Thanks for update on Z over at my place.... Enjoy!

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