Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I'm still powerless

todAAy i AAm grAAteful & thAAnkful

for the continuing resourcefullness of the human spirit when under trying conditions

for all of the comments from you guys these past couple of days; I loves me blogger buddies

that we've had a cool front blow through town just after a major hurricane. It's lowered temperatures to a very coimfortable level considering we have no air conditioning.

for the 1000's of individuals who have arrived in southeast Texas from other states to help reconnect electricity and provide additional services

that Rodney and I are off to California tomorrow morning for the AA Roundup (convention). I may or may not take my laptop; I'm still undecided.
But considering the phrase below, hmmmmmmmmmmm....

Silent gratitude isn’t much good to anyone.
-Gladys Browyn Stern


Syd said...

It sounds like a good time to go to a roundup. I'm really glad that things turned out good for you regarding the storm. And I think some of those cooler temperatures are coming this way by the end of the week.

Mary Christine said...

Making noise is good. Hope you take your laptop.

indistinct said...

Love that quote. and the thankfulness after all that has befallen your neighbourhood.

Trailboss said...

Yes indeed Mr. Dave. Take you laptop pretty please!

Not God said...

Roses are like God. I cannot describe the smell of a rose to you but we can both know what a rose smells like. Smell the roses and smell God.

Not God said...

I don't know what posted before but here's what I intended.

What AA roundup? I'm in CA these days and maybe I finally get to meet you.

Kathy Lynne said...

I like that quote...I get to practice that every morning in my group What's Good About Today. Have a great trip..good timing.

Princess Powerless said...

Bring your laptop and use your blog as a daily journal about the roundup. We needs us some dAAve!

Hugs - PP

Scott W said...

Nice to see you this morning. I will look forward to Palm Springs reports from your hotel room.

Anonymous said...

Hope you have a good trip out here to So Cali. Many peeps from my homegroup will be there. You'll have a blast cuz you know how :)

Tabitha.Montgomery said...

Awwwwwe.....and we love you Dave!
Have a great time at your Californina round up :)

And here's hoping ya'll get some electricity soon!!!

Have a safe trip .. xo

J-Online said...

Have a agreat trip! The weather is fabulous here in Houston isn't it! WOW.

Anonymous said...

Have fun! We'll stop by your blog tomorrow, hmmmmmmm?