Hopefully, this is the last one of these I'll ever have to hold.

todAAy i AAm grAAteful & thAAnkful
for 2 days of being a non-smoker -- and enjoying it!
it seems that I take my addictions to such extremes, that when I'm ready to give them up, I'm really ready LOL
that my Mom has now had the chance to see her only son as a non-drinker and a non-smoker
that I have restarted my little workouts at the gym
for all of your comments and support these past few days; I really appreciate it
that I still get to drink all the coffee I want
for the cold front coming through today - I will wear my shorts while I can
for not getting upset over middle-of-the-night phone calls
The real art of conversation is not only to say the right thing in the right place, but to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment.
-Dorothy Nevill
Best of luck with the non-smoking! I quit them cold turkey (from 2 packs/day) over 14 years ago and am still alive! (Although there are days I wonder about my sanity! ;-) )
I always knew your were famous...but your own star! JJ <--doing the "I'm not worthy" wave to dAAve. I love you bro.
I see you too,
That's great Daave.
Did I mention that my craving for broccoli increased exponentially after quitting smoking. I started to have broccoli for breakfast. Sometimes before breakfast! My wife found some broccoli in the garage and said,"WTF!" I bought a dehydrator and keep some dried broccoli in my pocket for when I need a quick fix!!!
Yaaaayyyy, dAAve!!!!
Hey Dave,
Congrats on your early days of not smoking!
On another note...
How do I join the HNT list? I have a blogger ID, do I just need to be added to the group? How do I do that?
Brad :-)
Great job, Daave -- and I echo your gratitude for coffee :)
woooooooohoooooooooooooooooooo awesome
Hey Daave, could you indulge me and put my blog on the HNT sidebar? Thanks.
Did you really just do that THAT quick? Or am I losing my mind? It IS late...
kudos to you for quitting, that's a tough one indeed!
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