I may not have everything I want, but today I have everything I need. I will look for evidence of abundance and let it remind me that my Higher Power's love is broad enough to touch all who have the courage to place themselves in its presence.
COURAGE to CHANGE, page 301
todAAy i AAm grAAteful & thAAnkful
that I didn't purchase the vehicle I was considering; a good friend bought it instead
for the abundance of choices I have as a sober member of society
for a really good meeting about character defects; I really need these constant reminders
that the day is not likely to come when I would trade my problems for your problems
that my first 17 days without a cigarette have been without incident
for an upcoming weekend with plenty of things to do and an abundance of things not to do
that it's Spring Forward, Fall Back weekend
The Washington Bullets are changing their name. They don't want their team to be associated with crime. From now on, they'll just be known as the Bullets.
Jay Leno
You're only given a little spark of madness. You mustn't lose it.
-Robin Williams
Oh ... My ... Gosh! I LOVE that picture! It's hilarious! I like your list and quotes too. Courage to Change is so awesome. Thank you for sharing, Daave!
I don't think there is any danger of you losing that "spark of madness" and that is good!
OMIGOSH!!! I actually laughed out loud. That has to be the funniest pic EVAH (at least of a jack-o-lantern!).
And, dAAve, I don't think you need to worry too much about losing your spark of madness. Thanks so much for sharing it with all of us!
So glad I found you today. Needed the laugh, although as an Al-Anon I think why would anyone live their life like that? Also, thanks for letting me know that we get an extra hour this weekend! Woo hoo! Will make that Halloween dance tomorrow night that much more fun!!
Nice daave that looks like you when you were drinking.
Was that picture meant for me...
certainly is what I have been doing.
Love you bro,
LMAO. Best pic I've seen blogged for ages! 9.9 out of 10.
Hmm. Having trouble leaving a comment - but that's the best blog pic I've seen in ages. Rotflmao. V.good!
Good for you on the incident free time for not smoking. That is definitely a gift. I've heard others of our type talk about how the desire to smoke just left them very similar to the desire for drink.
Love the Robin Williams quote.
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