todAAy i AAm
that Mom's new dental bridge has caused her no problems and she's very pleased with the process
that I attended an early Sunday morning GSR/District breakfast, followed by the annual SETA (Southeast Texas Area) meeting
that today is my last day of smoking 3 packs of cigarettes per day, which I have done for the past 36 years
that when I go to sleep tonight, I will consider myself a non-smoker
that I got to hear a respected lawyer (?) tell her story of alcohol and drug abuse and how she is now recovering
for a nice couple of hours Sunday afternoon at Starbucks with friends
that I no longer feel a need to attend hugely populated festivals; there were 2 big ones here this weekend in the bright sunshine. In years past, I would have been there drinking all I could get away with.
that Designer Girl celebrates her first 30 days sober today!
Drop by and give her a (((Big Hug))).
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.
-Eleanor Roosevelt
All good stuff and I love the E.R. quote
I'm corn-fused. Are you quitting today or is today your last day you plan on smoking? Either way, good luck! It's not as hard as it sounds.
Best Wishes to you as you begin a whole new way of life - without slavery to cigarettes! I will keep you in my prayers.
Good luck with the smoking thing my friend. Kudos to you. I just can't do it yet.
I see you,
It's a beautiful day to begin your life as a non-smoker. I was surprised when I came in to AA and got to know a lot of ex-smokers, just how many had quit.
Aaawwww, (((((dAAve)))))! Hugs right back atcha, my friend! I'm SO glad you've decided to quit smoking. You CAN do it, and you WILL do it, I know. I love you!!! :)
(((JJ))), you'll do it when it's the right time for you, and you'll know when it's right.
That is wonderful news about your mom. Hope she is feeling comfortable.
Most courage and strength (big boxing gloves) to you . . . 3 packs, does this mean you are reducing the pack amount or all together? Nevertheless, good 4 U!
I'm an unashamed fan of Starbucks. We can do a SB crawl in London...totally wired but sober!
Good list, Dave.
To answer a couple of comments/questions ...
I am stopping smoking tonight before I go to bed. My last cigarette tonight will be my last cigarette. At that point, I consider myself a non-smoker. I shall not have another cigarette forever.
Yikes, it scares me to use the word 'never'.
Call if you need anything.
Best of luck in your non~smoking. I think it is an awesome gift to yourself. Non better other than sobriety.
dAAve, i am soo praying for you right now. I remember whenI finally was able to shake off the addiction of smoking... I had asked God/HP for relief for so long.... I prayed for release from the obsession... just liek I did with my drinkin and druggin... it worked whenI worked the Steps on it, Good luck, keep us informed, my friend!
I am really happy you are not smoking any more.. I tell this to everyone because it really helped me when I was craving really bad, I told myself, I wont feel like this forever! I repeated it many times... and I either slept... or kept my self really busy.. The other thing I prayed - I have not smoked (THANK GOD) in 2 yrs and 4 months!!! YAAAAAAAAAAHOOOOOOOO
I have thought about it, but I didnt do it...
It can be done, dAAve, I'm living proof. I hope it will be easy for you, but even if it isn't, it will be so worth it...
Good Luck to you on the smoking I will be right behind you.
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