In this astonishing photo, a model is wearing a new gadget, from electronics manufacturer Toshiba, that enables the wearer to experience a full 360-degree view on a 40 centimetre dome-shaped screen.
I think I'll wait for the technology to improve and the price to come down. - dAAve
todAAy i AAm grAAteful & thAAnkful
for days full of things to do, which may be a big help in the overall picture of becoming a nonsmoker
I don't have enough spare time to take up serious smoking again
that I can be there for my Mom, although I'm beginning to wonder how much it matters; I'll never give up on her though
that I kept coming back to the rooms of AA when my drinking kept getting worse
that the Roundup Drag Auction is this Saturday Night @ Lambda
that tomorrow is hAAlf nAAked thursdAAy and you're invited or reminded to participate
Never put both feet in your mouth at the same time, because, if you do, you won't have a leg to stand on.
Jessie Young
I love that the better the tech gets the lower the price is.
If you have both feet in your mouth you could always stand on your hands........
Isn't it good to have lots of things to do??? Keep on keepin' on not smoking!! : ) You're awesome!
I should imagine it matters to your mum and it makes a difference to her that you're there for her, Dave.
great going with your staying quit and not smoking....sounds like you are on the right track......
Never give up on her.
Awesome job on the non-smoking! Good for you!
People will often forget our words, but they will always remember how we made them feel. Nothing you do for anyone will ever be wasted, especially when you are following your HP's guidance ...
(Cool tech toy, btw! I wonder how much that thing costs, and how much cheaper it will be in five years?)
It matters, dAAve. It always matters.
seeing you
If I have to wear the astronaut helmet obviously designed to fit Andre the Giant, this will be another piece of modern technology that I'll take a pass on.
Thanks for being...
damn its the size of the first color tv.
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