One of my primary responsibilities is to take care of myself. I will find a small way to do something for my mind, body, and spirit today.
COURAGE to CHANGE, page 290
todAAy i AAm grAAteful & thAAnkful
for Saturday evening dinner with my favorite Saturday evening dinner people at my favorite Saturday evening dinner place
that I have gotten so much better about restraint of pen and tongue -- what a concept! My thinking that accompanies this concept is that I would much more prefer to be happy -- than right.
that I've done my part on the Houston Roundup committee as secretary
that I didn't freak out when my ceiling began leaking this morning from all the rain; been through this before
that Hayden and I can talk for free over the internet
the population of the United States hit 300,000,000 today; now I can stop counting
that this is DAY 7 of being a nonsmoker
In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities.
-Janos Arany
Hi dAAve:
How's the no smoking thing going?
I think it's scary we have hit 300,000,000. That's just too many people.
Saturday evening dinner sounds like such fun! How is the smoke free thing going.
Congratulations on your first week of a new and wonderful life as a non-smoker!
Huge congratulations on becoming a non-smoker. I just marked 1 year last month and I have never felt better (well, maybe I have but it has been many years!).
Hey, you non-smoker, you!!! 7 Days!!!!!!! That is rather huge, my friend! Congratulations, dAAve. :D xoxo
I am grateful there is not a freaky dog costume.
I see you,
How are you managing giving up smoking? I'm failing miserably. :-(
"for Saturday evening dinner with my favorite Saturday evening dinner people at my favorite Saturday evening dinner place" -
do tell, old boy.
Congrats on being a Non-Smoker 7 days in a row!!! That's awesome! and one of these days, I'm just going to show up at your Saturday evening coffee and join you guys. It sounds like too much fun!!!
right on DAAVE!!!!!!
you non smoker you!
and I love that courage to change book... LOL I should of read that last week.. oh well its now in the fourfront of my mind
happy monday
Congrats on your seventh day of non smoking....huge, I mean, HUGE acomplishment.....
Prayers that you can quite smoking! Neat post dAAve my friend!
smoke free baby..
You are ahead of me on the not freaking out about a leaky ceiling. Cos that kind of stuff totally freaks me out :)
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