todAAy i AAm grAAteful & thAAnkful
for a fine meeting about Step 4 yesterday -- it gave me the following reminders ...
...a reminder of the term "index of maladjustments"
...a reminder that I will never have enough
...a reminder of the common symptoms of emotional insecurity (worry, anger, self-pity, depression)
...a reminder that my ego insists on dominating others OR depending on them far too much
for an hour with my therapist that went much too quickly
for lunch with friends -- a particular event that has become a holiday tradition now (for me)
a busy, yet relaxed afternoon and evening with Hayden
You can't stop the waves, but you can learn to surf.
Yay!! for your time with the therapist!
Yay!! for Hayden's being there!
Yay!! for dAAve's wicked sense of humor (dude, I sooo need to go to the snowcone stand!)!
Yay!! for dAAve!!!
MUAH! xoxo
And I will have to hear how you got your big blog to convert to new blogger.
yeh.. an extra snowcone or two wouldn't go amiss.. perhaps next christmas! you never know!!
Glad you're having fun. I know it's considered deeply politically incorrect in AA to say this, but I don't rate therapists. I just have arrived at the conclusion that we can do a much better job on our own. thats all. but I am aware that this represents a minority view in aa. Oh well! I don't mind being in the minority though. Just as well!
Enough! I should be studying!!!!
Hayden looks fabulous by the way. (!!!) Nice to see you Hayden! Have a great time!
I was wondering why my bra was all wet.
Merry Christmas!
I thought my hour with the therapist went quickly too, til I realized it was only a 45 minute session!
I'll be offline for a spell.... so let me say right now:
yeah, I wanna know how you got this big ole thing converted, I tried, and they wouldnt let mine switch over... ahh well, no biggie... I love a good 4th Step mtg... helps keep me reminded of the fact that I aint as good as I think and I aint as bad as I think!
DAAve....Merry Christmas! Hey I keep checking "Dragon Speak"...no post. Is Ben ok ?
Hope you and Hayden are having a wonderful time,
That comic is halarious. Little faker.
Great list, good healing.
Love the quote at the end....I will start in on learning to surf tomorrow.
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