But we stopped long enough to take this picture so I would have something to post this morning.
see a whole lot more coffee drinkers

todAAy i AAm grAAteful & thAAnkful
that I could read some biblical passages to my Mom while visiting her --- I am not religous but she is and it's NOT all about me! LOL
that Hayden made it here safe and sound and now has some days to relax
for a good AA meeting about personal boundaries AND THEN the chance a few hours later to not only verbalize a few boundaries but to assert them
that I took the plunge and switched over to the new Blogger - it's OK so far
Whenever you see darkness, there is extraordinary opportunity for the light to burn brighter.
Welcome to the US for Christmas, Mr. Daves Friend. Lucky you Dave...special visitor for the holidays....that's a cool feeling.
Great looking couple! I know you will have a Merry Christmas, dAAve, and you deserve it!
Most excellent Christmas present!
welcome Hayden and Merry Christmas! I know y'all will have a blast together! dAAve, good for you, reading for your mom like that... what a great attitude!
I was wondering about the new version of blogger, maybe I will take the plunge as well. Yours seems to be fine!
Wow. Look at you two! Glad to see such a smile on your face.
Grooviness. I hope you both have a great time togther.
Hmm. Seems the comments' I left yesterday have disappeared. Maybe they got lost when you migrated? See: you weren't too big after all. Lmao.
Hayden's here, Hayden's here, Hayden's heeeerrre!!!
*doing the happy dance* :D
What better topic than Personal Boundaries for this time of year with families getting together! Kewl stuff! Glad Hayden made it okay!
WOW what a gift .. tall dark and handsome! Since you have it in good could you order me a soft fluffy nanny for the up comming christmas break???
I am sooo glad Hayden is here again!!! HI HAYDEN!!!! Merry Christmas to the both of yous
My dog OIive is testing out the new Blogger, she wanted to so why not.
That is great that you sat there with your mom and did that. How beautiful for her and you.
Nice pic, bunch o hotties!
Look at those smiles ... wishing you a beautiful time together.
Looks like someone is having tall, dark and handsome fun....enjoy.
Thats a really sweet picture..
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