I don't know if you can do this, but for Christmas, I'd like for my mommy and daddy to get back together. Please see what you can do.
Dear Teddy,
Look, your Dad's banging the babysitter like a screen door in a hurricane. Do you think he's gonna give that up to come back to your frigid, fat mom, who rides his ass constantly? It's time to give up that dream. Let me get you some nice Legos instead. Maybe you can build yourself a family with those.
todAAy i AAm grAAteful & thAAnkful
for the Eyes Wide Shut meeting I attend every weekday morning at 6:30 -- yesterday we only had 4 people, but it was a very powerful meeting punctuated with honesty
for the first few hundred drunks who unwittingly became the founders of Alcoholics Anonymous
that life's lessons continue all around me if I care to look
that I got my first Christmas Card in the mail (from a friend, not a business)
for help from a recovering alkie (who is a geek) in setting up my new computer 'cause I could not do it properly
The thing about creativity is, people are going to laugh at it. Get over it.
-Twyla Tharp
I'm still waiting on my 1st Christmas Card to come....but I'm extremely optimistic!
Hey I got my first Christmas card too.
I don't send them so, I do not get them.
Excllent video!
I love your harsh santa!
That's funny....Not Christmas-like but funny.
Four people at a meeting? That's my kind of speed. There's something like 70 at the morning meeting I go to. I miss small meetings. (I thought I would never say that)
oh thaT dear Santa thing made me shoot water out of my nose from laughing thanks
and Love your gratitude and appreciate you sharing.. Happy Wednesday and tomorrow is HNT YAY
PS you reminded me that I need to get my cards out :)
I only have business ones so far. wahhh
I got my first three Christmas cards two weeks ago.
I've sent out 8.
Hi dAAve,
Love the Santa letters. Please keep posting.....
Lots of new additions to your blog. It looks really cool.
yeah i love those bitter, twisted santas..
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