Saturday, December 30, 2006

and Sadaam makes three ...

The old saying is that death comes in three's.

I had mentioned that to a friend after James Brown died on Christmas Day and again the next day after President Ford died.
I didn't know Sadaam Hussein would complete the trifecta.


JJ said...

(In Robin Williams voice) Goooooooooood Morniiiiiinnnnngggg dAAve!

Pammie said...

we must have grown up in the same era Daave. After Ford died, I said to myself..I hope the 3rd one won't be someone I like.

Anonymous said...

i have a black lab calendar from my parents. you must know how us dog freaks are...

Just a man trying to get by said...

Hola Dave!

Scott W said...

Funny how Tom DeLay resembles Saddam Hussein.

lash505 said...

Sadamn doesn't count, it wasn't a natural death.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for not torturing us any further with the god awful pic of the martyred saddam.
but trent - can't you just put a blank in?