One of my Christmas gifts to myself.
Meet my Pavilion Slimline from who else besides ...
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todAAy i AAm grAAteful & thAAnkful
that I got to hear a great AA story (qualification) yesterday, told with insight, honesty and humor
that I could continue breathing yesterday when I had my head so far up my ass that I could actually see my nicotine-stained lungs
that no matter how bad I perceive my high-class problems to be, they ain't shit
that I told on myself to my sponsor
for remembering that today is the anniversary of Pearl Harbor Day - a day which will live in infamy (many people who read this will not have a clue what I am talking about and that is unfortunate)
The mind is like a parachute. It doesn't work unless it's open.
Telling on yourself, to your sponsor....that's REAL recovery, that's going to any length. Thanks for linking the word infamy with Pearl Habor Day...they go together..forever. Your younger Blog visitors need to see that.
What was it like up inside there?
From someone even older than you! -there are now many days that mean a lot to me, and don't mean a thing to many. oh well. Love that you have a computer from HP.
congrats on new puter
thanks for the reminder of Pearl Harbor day---am old enuff to know
hey you are one REAL classy guy! I just LOVE the gay tree! Pure class!
New computers are pretty dammed good though. Where woukd we be without our gadgets? Hardly bears thinking about...
Verrrry nice, dAAve. I'm glad you can be an elf to yourself!
*trying very hard not to be jealous*
Pearl Harbour? I did her and her mate Dockyard Doris down in Wapping. Lmao.
...and what Scott said. :-D
Just noticed your Christmas tree is rainbow-colored! COOL. Enjoy the new machine. Congrats on today.
You are too funny! What's up there besides some dirty lungs? Did you see your heart?
Nice computer!
John wore his red white and blue tie today. He recited the very words you posted..."a day which will live in infamy" about ten times before Reid even got on the bus. Reid gets great history lessons from John. I think I may be learning a few things myself. Just don't tell him that ;)
Have a great Friday and congrats on the new HP~
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