Tuesday, December 02, 2008


todAAy i AAm grAAteful & thAAnkful

that our noon Monday meeting is a "step" meeting; yesterday was about Step 1 and there was some great sharing

that we're having the cast party from the Roundup play at our home; Hayden won't be here and I'm not an accomplished party thrower, but I will have help

that I got about half of my outdoor Christmas lights put up

Turn your face to the sun and the shadows fall behind you.
-Maori Proverb


big Jenn said...

lol! jeNN

Todd HellsKitchen said...

Have a great party!!!

Anonymous said...

it was good to see you, too. i bet your party goes wonderfully!

peanut said...

Dear dAAve,

it's always a comfort to know you are up and on early.

I awoke at 4:00 this morning and could not get back to sleep.

Have a wonderful day !

Pammie said...

Just light that great smelling candle in the orange bathroom off the den and everything will go fine. That's still what I remember most about your house :)

Mary Christine said...

Your house is wonderful. I bet the lights are fabulous. And you are a wonderful, wonderful host.

Scott W said...

Pam said you never did tell her where that candle came from.

I bet parties are heavy and you wouldn't be able to throw it far anyway.

Shannon said...

I looove Christmas lights, would you post a pic of your Christmas lights all lit up at night? ☺

Syd said...

You are ahead of us here. I hope to get some of our Christmas lights up next week. I'm sure that your party will go well.

Just a man trying to get by said...

Lol, loving the pictures...


Zanejabbers said...

A cast party? You did break a leg!