Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Still wondering

todAAy i AAm grAAteful & thAAnkful

for the miracle that occurred that left me not wanting to drink alcohol anymore

that I sometimes wonder what my purpose is for the rest of my life; I think I'm still around for a reason, just not sure what it is --- until it's clear, I'll continue doing what I'm doing (whatever that is)

that I am usually dependable; I've had several occasions lately when friends said they were going to be somewhere and never showed up or showed up a lot later than promised.
Wassup wid dat?

for a small Roundup hangover (that's a good thang)

There are men who hate me;Let me love them.There are men I have wronged;Let them forgive me.
-Saying Of The Dinka Tribe


big Jenn said...

I look foward to your post every day. Thanks .jeNN

Pammie said...

Well you can't deny that the old "unplug appliances when people are using them" joke is pretty funny.

Mary Christine said...

Good Morning David.

Scott W said...

Those Dinkas know what they are talking about!

Your natural modesty is becoming.

Syd said...

I hope that you are having a good day. Lateness in people is a sign of the times I think. A lot of hustle. Maybe there's a need for an "unplugged" kind of day.

Bill said...

I'm glad I can depend on you to update your blog every day. That takes commitment.

J-Online said...

stopping by to say hi!

Shannon said...

lol I looove that pic it makes me laugh and it kida reminds me of you hee hee

Lou said...

I'm usually late, but I call!

Zanejabbers said...

Good ole Dinkas. Whatever the reason for your being here, I am so glad you are here. I used to unplug things of this woman at work. I always had to plug them back in. If something did not work she'd just yell, ZANE, you did it again. It was fun.

Tabitha.Montgomery said...

Your purpose in life is to just be you.Reread your posts for awhile and you will see how much you've shared of that purpose too :)
