Wednesday, August 26, 2009

... and now, for something

todAAy i AAm grAAteful & thAAnkful

that I woke up sober again this morning; it's getting to be a habit

that Saturday night at Lambda promises to be an enjoyable birthday night; we have about 40 people celebrating sober anniversaries

for my health

that I'm no longer in school, but I'll always be a student

for the life of Ted Kennedy. His dedication to service is an example I need to remember, regardless of what I may have thought of his politics.

The only difference between stumbling blocks and steppingstones is the way in which we use them.
- Unknown


Pammie said...

I don't know if I could sit thru 40 birthday celebrants, but I hope I could.

Anonymous said...

i will go to bday night but i will have to take a break in the middle

Lou said...

Airplane is my favorite movie of all time! I still laugh like crazy at the part where the stewardess tells them there is no more coffee, and everyone jumps up and starts screaming.

Mary Christine said...

Good morning David.

steveroni said...

This HABIT of waking up sober every morning is getting to be habitually habit-forming.

I was one of those people screaming- No COFFEE?!

Scott W said...

Auntie Em, Auntie Em, it's a twister! It' a twister!

Airplane is brilliant.

Scott M. Frey said...

g'day my friend... yea Senator Kennedy sure gave it all for his country! Liek him or not, he set an awesome example of service!

enjoy the birthdays! lots of miracles at Lambda!

Gin said...

Quite a habit to have.

Tall Kay said...

40 birthdays to be celebrated!! Sounds like you all need to bring sleeping bags and plan a sleep over.

Syd said...

I'm glad that you mentioned Ted Kennedy. He cleared up a life of trouble to be a life of serving others. Quite an inspiration.

My adventures said...

good quote and ain't it the truth!!

Anonymous said...

My Grandfather will celebrate 42 AA brithdays tomarrow. We are so proud of him. Just keep your head up and your mind set. He has so meny life long friends from the program, and i'm sure you will to.Stay strong.