Friday, August 07, 2009

busy, busy, busy

todAAy i AAm grAAteful & thAAnkful

that feeling good (and spiritually fit) is not a trigger for me to lower my standards

for the few (percentage-wise) alkies that make it back to the rooms of AA after relapsing

that I intuitively know how to handle many more situations than I used to (every morning in my first conscious contact with my HP, I ask for the guidance to do the next right thing so that I can be the best I can be. Most of the time, it is no longer necessary for me to have to sit and think what that next right thing is. I just seem to know what to do. If it turns out to be the wrong thing, I have Step 10 to rely on.)

that I have a pretty busy schedule today, so I'm off to the gym in a few minutes to be there when it opens at 5am; I'll end the day at an Astros baseball game tonight

that I love recovery!!

When I hear somebody sigh, 'Life is hard,' I am always tempted to ask, 'Compared to what?'
- Sydney J. Harris


Pammie said...

Go Astros!!!

steveroni said...

Getting old might be hard.
Being young was lots harder.

Gin said...

Enjoy your game!

Mary Christine said...

Sounds like a great day is coming your way.

Scott W said...

Ah, yes. Uh huh.

Bill said...

Look at Scott! He looks like he's gone mad!

Have a fun & fulfilling day, Mister Busy-Bee.

Syd said...

I like what you do every morning. And that Step 10 is there to rely on. What a great program.

diane d said...

Once again, thanks for the quote. I've been feeling like that alot lately. I need to quit whining!

Patrick said...

Busy is good, the gym at 5am? That IS motivated!

Zanejabbers said...

Wow, three hours later I get to post on your blog. But you should have gotten my email. Thanks for the post.