This accident occurred yesterday afternoon. It is 50 feet from my front door, midway between the 2 intersections.
The 24 year-old girl driving was huffing (CLICK for more details). She had a spray can of "Dust Off" with her in the car. She ran a stop sign, went over a curb, sideswiped a tree and then went another 100 yards before losing further control and ramming the white pickup truck, which was parked along the curb on the other side of the street.

You may notice that the truck was pushed about 18 inches over the curb. It belonged to a guy visiting from Florida. (You can click on the picture to enlarge. In the pic on the right, you'll notice the spary can has been placed on the roof of her car.)
Daddy's 60K Jaguar is not worth 60K today. The girl (she was not injured) told the police officer to "go ahead and just arrest me. This isn't the first time this has happened."
todAAy i AAm grAAteful & thAAnkful
that it's been 30 years since I huffed and lived through it
that I don't have to solve my Mom's dental problems because I can ask for help
for breakfast yesterday with 2 peeps from the 6:30am meeting
for a timely meeting about self pity and isolation; something I'm quite familiar with
that my domestic cleaner "did her bi-monthly thing" yesterday, concentrating on my hardwood floors
that I have finally learned how to add others to the Blogger dashboard of hAAlf nAAked thursdAAy; if you want to join so you can post pictures, let me know so I can send you an email invitation
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
- Nelson Mandela
wow, great quote from Mr. Mandela! I love your perspective on the accident out front. Perhaps HP thought it necessary to remind you of just what can happen if we decide to get too far from that which keeps us sober and gives us peace!
"Huffing" is just plain scary. Damn. Because my body has not had enough coffee yet I misunderstund you having breakfast with two peeps and thought you were eating peeps...you know the marshmallow things.......
Love you bro and see you too,
This quote is often confused and attributed to Nelson Mandela, it is in fact by Marianne Williamson, from A Course in Miracles. See more here.
Doesn't diminish its impact, just thought you would want to give credit where credit is due.
Good Morning Daave, I huffed several things about six years ago One nite I was huffing gold paint In a wal Mart parking lot about 50 miles from home, Got tired and decided it was time to head home! I remember pulling into the street and stopping at one stop light. then then the next thing I remember is waking up in bed the next morning wondering where I was...@ least I didn't wake up in the hospital...or wreck my new car. And so I have not even considerd huffing since.. Have a good day G
Thanks for giving me another reason for gratitude. When I was huffing on a regular basis, I was too young to drive.
p.s., looks like a pretty neighborhood
I got my son a job last summer working in my office when he was 16, he was interning with the technology director who is a recovering addict and thought he could maybe give my son some guidance and direction, since he had been there done that. While waiting for me to take him home, he was sitting in my secretarys chair and I left the office for 5 minutes, I came back and he was passed out cold on the floor after huffing dust off. I think he may have even stopped breathing. The need to be high is just too powerful for him I guess.
Wow!! I agree with JJ -- "'Huffing' is just plain scary." I did do "poppers" a couple of times way back in the day, but never huffed. Hell, I get high now just having my nails done.
I'm so proud of you for going to breakfast!!! Way to go dAAVe!!! (But, please don't eat the peeps!)
I though only 12 year olds huffed.
I am soo sad for that gurl... listening ot her attitude.. WOW... God help her and the people who are in her path...
I am grateful that I am not the one huffing and crashing into cars today
thanks for sharing this dave.
Not my deepest fear, I know we are powerful beyond measure. The question is what is holding me back? Why do we sabotage ourselves?
Note to self: I idea for post.
Wow Dave you live in a beautiful neighborhood. Sad to see what has occured in it. I love how you shed light on it all.
I never touched drugs (ok pot) or did things like huffing. I knew if I ever did I would fall in Love! Instead I discovered other ways. Blah.
I pray that this child will allow love to enter her life. If not by her family then hopefully someone who has been there.
I love those trees! Huffing? Never did it, thank GOD. I have seen huffers in Walmart at midnight walking to the register with more cans and that unmistaken black cloud on their faces.
I am glad you were not hurt at all. I hope that girl can get some help.
Daave, just caught up on a weeks worth of your postings. Sundays posting really reminded me of talking to you about myself awhile back. One thing I have noticed here in Houston, No one ever talks about tuning into station KFUK. That's what I've heard this kind of thinking called. Of course that was in the mental hospital in 1991 and in AA since 1992. KFUK is on too many frequencies and I have tuned in before I know it and have listened to too many minutes of the old tapes they play. I read all 24 of the comments and thought WOW - the wisdom we share with each other is phenom! A LOT of growth from a group of drunks, myself included in that group. Do you realize you have one more daily meeting that you never give yourself credit for? It's the BLOG COMMENTS. One of these days I might learn how to set up a blog.
My friend, never hesitate to call me at any time of the day or night, as that call might be just what we both need. Luv You!
perhaps the judge will send her just a few blocks from your house to THE RIGHT STEP... or maybe she was leaving there... poor thing...
Sure does keep things green.
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