Well, I've smoked cigarettes for 35 years.
And marijuana for 33 years.
I guess I did poppers occcasionally. For about 25 years.
I suppose I also did cocaine and acid a few times.
And mushrooms and speed.
Oh yeah, I huffed for a while.
But really, I just drank.
Yeah, right.
todAAy i AAm grAAteful & thAAnkful
for a fantastic AA meeting @ noon yesterday, chaired by Boston
for lunch @ Barnaby's with 7 others and eating something different than my normal fare
that I actively participate in my recovery every day and reap the rewards
for Steps 6 & 7 and the freedom I receive by practicing them
that I was able to say NO! to my nephew's request for another monetary hand-out and not feel guilty for very long (thanks Scott)
that my former bf Hayden now has concrete travel dates set. He'll be staying with me for almost a month, arriving 12 days from now. There is still a lot of love and deep feelings, but I know and accept that we'll never be together again. This is HUGE for me and I have a lot of contemplation and praying to do and I told him this. (step 7 step 7 step 7 step 7)
that tomorrow is hAAlf nAAked thursdAAy
Nothing lowers the level on conversation more than raising the voice.
-Stanley Horowitz
Yeah, I didn't do drugs either...blahahahaha.
I see you,
Wow. That is going to be huge to have him staying with you.
So, you're having a step 7 escalator installed?
Re: The drugs. I could never really post my drug history. No one would believe me!
Re: Drug History: You wild child, you! I'm glad you're sober NOW!
Re: Ex bf: What AAwoken said.
Re: Lunch with 7 OTHERS and SAYING NO to nephew's request for $$: YAY dAAVE!!!!! Way to go!
hahahha....love the butthole thing.
Awesome insight all through out the post! : ) You're wonderful!
I like the drugs post, Dave. Good work fella.
Giggles to your pic ~
ya know, it's funny how reading your post reinforces my feeling connected to my higher power. i just read piglet's post about Kelly and got chills up and down my spine and the hairs on my arms were standing up. The same just happened when I read your post. Maybe it's time for me to start making my rounds again, at least a little...
Thank you, daave.
That poster is a riot! Sounds like you were quite the Party Boy!
And we all glad you caught it in time!
my friend, I am with you on the drugs... I am with you on spending time with a true love, knowing it is what it is and will be no more...
I am so glad I know you, we're alot alike and I get a ton from what you share, keep sharing, and thanks for shooting me over to that post...
Careful, I'm not sure the butthole thing would be a deterrent to some people. In fact, you might be an enabler. ;-)
As I am sure you've heard this before, I must repeat it. Sometimes doing the right thing feels wrong. And, other people are entitled to their own misery (them thar Al-Anon folks are teaching me a lot!)
As for Hayden, I say be careful too. As long as you stick close to your herd, don't keep any secrets from yourself OR your sponsor you can walk through anything. That relationship stuff is tricky as hell.
It does help us to be closer to God, no doubt about that :)
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